You Love Bob and Ben
Become part of the Dont Save Karyn Propaganda Machine!
OK, so maybe you're one of those people who can't afford to waste money on us, but you still
think that we kick ass and you want to show your devotion to all things Bob and Ben, right?
Well here's your chance! Now you can become part of the Orwellian Dont Save Karyn
Propaganda Machine and help us take over the world! Simply click on the link below to get
the official DontSaveKaryn.Com graphic, which can be printed out in approximately 300 dots
per inch resolution in landscape orientation on an 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper. What? You
use the metric system in your country? OK, well in that case it's a 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm
piece of paper, and um....762 dots per centimeter....err wait...118. :)
Also, feel free to take a picture of one of these print outs in a crazy or famous location and
email it to us. We will post the best ones (that aren't pornographic) on this website. The
pornographic ones, of course, will be reserved for our 'other' site.

Right click here and select 'Save Target As' to get the big version!
(approximately 550K - about a minute and a half over a 56K modem)
If you have Microsoft Imaging on your computer, you can use that to print it out. To see
if you have Imaging, click on 'Start->Programs->Accessories'. If you have it, it will be in